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Do you feel like you must be missing something

or you would have manifested

your Divine Love, or your Abundance or Deep Joy already ?

You probably are... 

There are Deeper Truths

of the Law of Attraction

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I learned about the law of attraction in 1979 and passionately studied it. I read every book I could find and did everything the books were telling me to do:

❂ I micromanaged every thought to make sure I was thinking positive,

❂ I did creative visualizations for an hour every day

❂ I created vision boards and

❂ I wrote affirmations until my hand hurt.

After 10 years of giving it my very best shot - I still hadn’t manifested the life that I wanted, I wasn’t even close. I was so frustrated and I felt like something must be wrong with me, why couldn’t I get this??

So I dug deeper into studying Universal laws and that’s when I learned that there are Deeper Truths of the Law of Attraction … and they totally changed my life.

Fear and worry are gone

and you have a deep knowingness

that the Universe has your back.

You feel excited about life, energized and

totally connected to your Higher Self and Source. 

This space is our natural state and accessible to us at all times

when we remember who we are

and reconnect to our divine nature.

If you stop pushing through life 

you can get to that inspired connection of ease and flow.

What if there was a college level understanding of Universal

laws ?

There is…

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There are Deeper Truths to working with the Law of Attraction

and I'd like to share one of them with you now...

Most of us know that each of us is body, mind and Spirit,

but the big question is….

Which one of these three is the most powerful?

Many people inside the law of attraction community think that our mind is the most powerful…

Many of my clients did too

But the answer is... Spirit.

When you realize that you are a vibrational being in a vibrational universe,

then you will understand that to manifest is a vibrational process…. not a mind process.

It’s not about thinking at all.

To successfully manifest,

you must nurture your relationship with your Higher Self and Source

And you must calm down your mind chatter...way down.

Conscious and subconscious mind chatter.


I created the Total Transformation Program 19 years ago

and I have been offering it to my private and group coaching clients

but I wanted to help more people learn these deeper truths...

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In the late 90’s I learned about Abraham and many more of those pieces of the puzzle came to light.

<<<This was a very happy day for me in 2003 when I enjoyed lunch with Esther Hicks.

After manifesting my wonderful life filled with love, joy, and abundance, I started coaching others on how to manifest with these deeper truths too.  It's my greatest joy!

I have been studying the law of attraction for 42 years and have coached thousands of men and women from around the world over the last 19 years.

My clients are now able to manifest easily and effortlessly.

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So I created

The Total Transformation Program Course

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I’ve taken what I’ve learned from 42 years of studying the law of attraction and 19 years of coaching thousands of men and women and put it together in a step by step program.

In the Total Transformation Program:

I show you how to nurture your relationship with your Higher Self and Source so that you can create deep trust that the Universe has your back.

That trust is necessary to open up to receive what you are wanting to manifest.     

This is the most important relationship you will ever have.

I also teach you how to pivot from the habit of listening to your mind’s resistant chatter. This is absolutely necessary to manifesting.

In this program I also teach you how to shift from “mind-led” living to “Spirit-led” living and this is when your vibration changes so that you can manifest YOUR best life.

This is a 6 week, in depth, step by step program that will fill in the missing pieces for you so that you can manifest anything you want.

Check out Jenny's transformation:

Check out the changes in each area of her life! All in less than 3 months!

Each of these 12 areas of her life improved and her score went from 61 to 108 - a 77 percent improvement in her life.

What's really wonderful is these kinds of results are normal for my students.

I hope you can see that the value of this program is priceless based on the results that my students have had over the years.

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What’s included in the Total Transformation Program

In Week 1

❂ You will get clarity on why you haven't been able to manifest everything you want yet and.

❂ Get clarity on the exact path to manifest your best life and

❂ You will also be learning how to nurture your relationship with your Higher Self and Source

In Week 2

❂ You will understand and feel your own divinity and power.

❂ You will receive my easy, fun and powerful 16 minute morning routine.

In Week 3

❂ You will create deep trust with your Higher Self and Source

❂ Learn my clients favorite 15 second tool to pivot from mind chatter

In Week 4

❂ You will get real clarity of your true priorities vs your mind’s goals

❂ And learn how to handle your conflicting desires 

In Week 5

❂ You will get a much deeper understanding of our vibrational universe

❂ You will receive my Intention Vibration Guided Meditation

In Week 6

❂ You will understand the deeper truth of “Relax and Allow”  in manifesting your best life

❂ I will share with you more about Resistance  and how to release it permanently

I created this program over the last 19 years

in coaching thousands of aware men and women

to help them manifest their best life. 

I created this program over the last 19 years

in coaching thousands of aware men and women

to help them manifest their best life.

I started studying the law of attraction in 1979

and have continued my research over the last 40 years

to find the deeper truth of working with the law of attraction.

So many people think the law of attraction doesn’t work for them;

And it can be disempowering to understand the concepts intellectually,

but not be able to apply the principles to create the life you truly desire.

It’s time to move from the realm of theoretical to true transformation and become the deliberate creator you were meant to be!

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In the Total Transformation Program

you’re going to:

* Nurture your relationship with your Higher Self and Source and build a deep loving and trusting relationship.  This is the most important relationship in your life.

*Heal and Release your mind's resistance.  There are 4 pieces of resistance that most of us have.

*Learn to stop living by your mind’s to-do list and instead start following your Higher Self and Source.

* Understand that your real power is in your vibration not in your actions or thoughts and how to step into those higher vibrations.

* Learn how to Shift into and stay in your vortex so that you can manifest easily and effortlessly and live in love, joy and peace.

And much more

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What You'll Receive:

6 Weeks of Total Transformation

Video and Audio Trainings and Powerful Processes

to Connect You to Your True Divine Power

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The Deeper Truth of the Law of Attraction

Each of us is body, mind and Spirit and most of us think that working with the law of attraction is with the mind, with our thougths, but you will be amazed at what happens when you start working with the law of attraction from your Higher Self.

Your real power is in understanding that this is a vibrational Universe and working with the law of attraction is a vibrational process, not a mind process.

We can’t think our way into love, or joy, or our vortex. We are not our minds, we are so much more.

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The Total Transformation Program is  valued at $997, 

but I feel called to share this powerful work at a price point that  makes it available to more truth seekers who want to manifest their best life now.


You can get instant access to the Total Transformation Program

and start week 1 today.

You will get lifetime access to all 6 Weeks of the programs videos, audios, worksheets and processes

and for as long as I can offer it I am offering a private coaching call with me at the end of the Program.

The regular price will be $547 but right now I want to offer the program at $347


2 Monthly payments of $217

Get Instant + Lifetime Access Now.

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Have you been listening to Abraham, meditating, journaling and taking classes so that you can finally manifest those big desires?

  Your Financial Prosperity

✴  Your Divine Relationship and Love

  Deep Joy and Happiness

✴  Vibrant Health and Energy

✴  Peace of Mind

 Self-Esteem and Self-Worth

✴  Time and Freedom

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The Total Transformation Program is the

Deeper Truth of the Law of Attraction

This is WAY beyond the beginner level of affirmations, visions boards and positive thinking

Discover the crucial missing pieces that even the spiritually enlightened usually don’t know

Transcend to a much deeper level with the law of attraction where you become a deliberate creator

✔ Join an amazing group of Men and Women on the same journey in an exclusive Facebook group.  This is a great way to gain new friends and really motivate and inspire each other on to transformation.

I invite you to join me for 6 weeks to focus on FINALLY applying the law of attraction to manifesting your best life!

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This program is for anyone who's looking to move

from information to more transformation


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Dawn Michaels has been a global law of attraction transformational coach for 19 years.  She is also a speaker, author, radio show host, beach lover, travel enthusiast, mother and spiritual teacher, passionate about helping others reach their full potential.

As a long-time student of philosophy and spirituality, Dawn started studying the Law of Attraction over 42 years ago.  30 years ago she served in her Unity church in many capacities including chaplain, treasurer and trustee.

Prior to being a coach Dawn was an executive, working as a corporate tax accountant, a real estate investor, a mortgage broker, director of a mergers and acquisitions firm, CEO of a large aviation company and owner of an alternative health clinic.

She has hosted her own Law of Attraction based radio show consisting of over 120 shows and authored a number of books on the Law of Attraction including “Attraction in Action” and “Radical Responsibility”.
Since 2002 Dawn has been successfully coaching clients from all walks of life, all over the world – using the principles of the Law of Attraction as well as other universal truths.  

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Get Instant Access to the Program
6 Weeks of Powerful Video and Audio Trainings...
Lifetime Access to ALL the Content…
And so much more

Normally $547

but our Special offer  is

2 Monthly payments of $217

or save $87 and

pay in full for $347 

Get Instant + Lifetime Access Now.

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Results From Those Who’ve Participated in

The Total Transformation Program Have Been Powerful…


"I have manifested more dreams into reality in the last 2 months than the last two years combined.” 
                                                                                      ~ Ravesh J

"The best kept secret in the world of the Law of Attraction!
                                                                                      ~Marianne B

"The most powerful manifesting program I've found!
                                                                       ~Jesse M.

"I can't believe my life has changed so much
in just a few weeks"
                                                                              ~Brenda S.
"This may be the last program I ever do. 
I have finally reached that state of completion."
                                                                                  ~Ravi L.

"The missing pieces are right here in this program.
I finally get it.  I finally KNOW how to manifest!"
                                                                           ~Thomas P.

"My whole world has changed, I'm trying to catch my breath.
The Total Transformation Program is so powerful"
                                                                              ~Nicole R.

“Dawn’s program was God sent. Life is totally different now. Like a fog lifted. My rockets of desires no longer have anchors and I’ve been able to manifest so easily now. ”
                                                                                ~ Sophia C

"Her processes deliver the quickest results I have experienced in my 25 year personal growth journey." 
“It is obvious to me Dawn is aligned with her Inner Being and Source flows through her while she works. Her work is Holy. She heals, removes resistance, uplifts, opens, loves and creates an environment where others naturally and easily align. Once aligned magic happens almost immediately. Her processes deliver the quickest results I have experienced in my 25 year personal growth journey. I could go on and on about how amazingly wonderful she is but I often say “the proof is in the pudding”. Friends’ reactions might just be the best pudding – one friend cried more than once when I mentioned some of the life changes I experienced, another admitted being jealous and inspired, and others simply marvel and do not really understand what has happened (yet). All aspects of my life have changed for the better or are in the midst of change. I have begun living the life of my dreams. May you, too, live your dreams.”
                                                                                 - Karla B
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Kim Ellen Bartlett

I have been a follower of Abraham for quite a few years. I saw that Dawn uses the teachings of Abraham in her program and other spiritual components and I felt like that was what I needed to start things moving for me.

There were several areas of my life that I wanted to improve upon, and my Law of Attraction practices weren’t working too well for me….or not fast enough anyway!!

My first and foremost issue at hand was money. After starting working with Dawn’s program I landed a fabulous job that pays me in 1 day what I was making in a week at the previous job.

Aside from the job, my greatest improvement from working with Dawn is learning to become more aware of not letting my mind be the boss, but rather my inner self.

If anyone asked me about working with Dawn’s program, I would support them 100% and encourage them to start right away. It does not take very long to see and feel results from working with her.

Dawn Michaels is loaded with integrity, truly loves what she does, and does it very, very well.

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Sandy Benedetti

Taking the leap to work with Dawn’s program has been beyond-my-wildest-dreams-rewarding!

I was feeling locked into relationships that were stagnant and laden with negativity, and I knew I needed help. I had already experienced traditional therapy, and I couldn’t see myself going back to analyzing my past. What draws me to Dawn’s program is she “walks the walk” and also has the skills to teach others –

she has an amazing ability to connect with my spirit, not just my mind.

She has shown me how to raise my vibration, create a spirit-led life, and to understand what it is to be authentic. Through my experience with her protocol, all of my relationships (yes all) have improved drastically! And, although it wasn’t my point of focus, money is flowing in abundantly!

If you are searching for unconditional loving guidance and the tools needed for transformation, I highly recommend Dawn’s program.


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Colin Tippin
United Kingdom

Dawn is professional, intelligent, perceptive and attentive.

The results that I have obtained are more focus, I’ve cleaned up thoughts and attitudes in a big way.

I don’t take my own excuses anymore.

I also took my power back and can make things happen now.

I have more happiness, power and peace.

I can honestly say that my life has turned around. Until I started working with Dawn’s program, I didn’t know that this physical, mental and Spiritual place within me existed. Thank you for guiding me to the best possible me I could be.

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Beth Warner
Tucson, Arizona

Dawn’s program is priceless.

My entire perspective of life has changed. I began with feeling a lightness in my step followed by an awareness and happiness I had only dreamt of. It feels so good to know that I am a consistently loving and connected.

My present perspective is so different from that of my past. I now love my life! Dawn’s program has given me tools and guidance that will last me a lifetime and be joyously passed down to my children.




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Sharon Pasqual
Long Beach, California

I am much happier and emotionally, mentally and spiritually stronger.

I tried hypnosis, life coaching, read lots of spiritual books but I still was not getting the results I wanted. I had been studying the law of attraction for 10 years but nothing seemed to work. When I started with Dawn’s program, I saw immediate results.

I attracted a new job and a man into my life. Now, I am much happier and emotionally, mentally and spiritually stronger. As a bonus my finances grew about 30 percent.



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